Not a People Person

I live life through others. I read stories of adventure and watch characters undergo battles in film, but I haven’t experienced any endeavors myself. Unlike the personalities that are represented in popular culture, I am not a people person. At least, that’s what I’ve...

Generation of Warriors

A poem Featured on Creatively Asian go to to see full article! Understand how our world is slowly dying, why racism still poisons society, and how politics have destroyed our hope for humanity.We begin our fights with reasoning and goals in...

Toxic Masculinity Piece

Tackling stereotypes and discussing domestic violence. Toxic masculinity, a term that seems to criticize the upbringing of men altogether, while highlighting the injustice it has affected our society. This word doesn’t represent every male rapist, sociopath, or...

Black Lives Matter

The BLM movement isn't over, so stop pretending it is. Black lives matter. This small but powerful statement has been circling the globe as people protest for justice for the deaths of Black Americans. Black Lives Matter should be a universally acclaimed sentence, but...

Unheard Voices

Gun Violence is still an important issue that needs to be addressed. As the country continues on its path of violence, the students of America have taken notice of our society’s imperfections. This realization has become the priority of young activists who have a goal...